Traditional Manga Tarot by Shou Xueting, Riccardo Minetti
Traditional manga style meets the traditional Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot in this outstanding new deck. The manga art of these cards captures the graceful, imaginative energy of the form and adds an element of shadow energy that makes Traditional Manga Tarot a true reading deck. Artist Shou Xueting displays the rich beauty that comes from staying true to the soft surrealism of traditional manga in a way that blends perfectly with the archetypal power of tarot.
"Traditional" implies a double meaning for this attractive and fascinating deck. It refers to the fact that the cards follow totally and strictly the Tarot's traditional symbolism.
It also refers to the purity of the Manga style in which they have been drawn. The spirit of the deck, apart from the delicate artistic depth, shows that tradition is the way to innovation.
Art by Shou Xueting, 78 cards, 65x118 mm. Instructions. Multilingual edition.