January 6: – celebrates the Goddess in Her triplicate form.
January 11: in Capricorn – a time to set attainable goals, form concrete plans for the future, and meditate on the meaning of responsibility and all that it entails for you. Exact time: 6:58 a.m. EST
January 14: Thorrablot – Norse/Heathen celebration honoring Thor, God of Thunder
January 18: Day of – in celebration of the Great Goddess who Shows the Way.
January 21: Celtic Tree Month of Rowan begins
January 25: in Leo – Exact time: 12:54 p.m. EST
January 31: Disablot – Norse celebration of new beginnings
February 2024
February 2: (High Winter) – Celebration of the , a celebration of the return of the god and goddess and a time of cleansing and purification.
(Southern Hemisphere: Lammas or Lughnasadh – The grain harvest at the end of summer)
February 9: New Moon in Aquarius – reflect on your contribution to society, exercise your creative thinking and problem-solving skills, and tap into your sense of empathy by nurturing your relationships, reaching out to family and friends, and finding ways to make contributions to your community. Exact time: 6:00 p.m. EST
February 15: Lupercalia – dedicated to purification, good health, and fertility.
February 18: Celtic Tree Month of Ash begins
February 24: in Virgo – Exact time: 7:31 a.m. EST
February 28: Cake Day – a day to offer cakes to deities and .
March 2024
March 1: Matronalia – ancient festival of Juno, the birth goddess.
March 10: New Moon in Pisces – tap into your intuition, develop your psychic abilities, or practice your penchant for astral projection by tapping into the power of dreamy, mysterious Pisces. Exact time: 5:02 a.m.
March 17: – a day celebrating the patron saint of Ireland.
March 18: Celtic Tree Month of Alder begins.
March 19-21: – a celebration of fertility and the Goddess of Spring.
(Southern Hemisphere: Mabon – The Autumn Equinox)
March 25: in – Exact time: 3:01 a.m. EST
March 25: Lady Day – honoring the Crone and the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary.
April 2024
April 1: Day – celebrates the God of Chaos Energy.
April 8: New Moon in Aries – express yourself through a meditative creative task, allowing yourself to release negativity, assess your emotions, and practice shadow work while manifesting a positive outcome. Exact time: 2:23 p.m. EST
April 8: visible across North America.
April 15: Celtic Tree Month of Willow begins
April 15: Sigrblot/Sumarsdag – Norse celebration of the first day of summer in Scandinavian countries
April 22: Earth Day – Honoring Gaia
April 23: Festival of the Greenman – in honor of the .
April 23: in Scorpio – Exact time: 7:51 p.m. EST
April 25: Floralia/Spring Festival – a union of the and the .
April 30: May Eve or Rhiannon’s Day
April 30: – an annual convergence of witches, practitioners, and covens.
May 2024
May 1: – an ancient pagan festival of fire celebrating the divine union of .
(Southern Hemisphere: – the Witches’ New Year)
May 7: New Moon in Taurus – reflect on your personal belongings, your surroundings, and what makes a home special to you. Assess how your environment could better fulfill your personal needs and take those steps to make your house into a home. Exact time: 11:24 p.m. EST
May 13: Celtic Tree Month of Hawthorn begins
May 15: Buddha Day – a day set aside by Buddhists to celebrate the birth of Buddha.
May 23: in Sagittarius – Exact time: 9:55 a.m. EST
May 28: Feast of Bendidia – a celebratory feast homage to the Goddess of the Moon and the .
June 2024
June 6: New Moon in Gemini – reflect on your communication and social skills by taking time to truly listen without interrupting or simply waiting for your turn to talk. Journaling about your shadow work is a great opportunity to delve deeper into a topic while honing these communication skills. Exact time: 8:40 a.m. EST
June 10: Celtic Tree Month of Oak begins
June 20-21: – this celebration of Summer, also called Summer’s Gate, represents the surrender to darkness and the days grow shorter and the nights ever longer.
(Southern Hemisphere: Yule – The Winter Solstice)
June 21: in Capricorn – Exact time: 9:10 p.m. EST
June 23: Day of the Lady & Lord of the Sidhe – reveling in and otherworldly aspects of the divine.
June 24: Day of – perfect for cleansing and rededicating your or household shrines.
July 2024
July 1: Crone Day – celebrating the Crone, Old Mother Nature, and Father Time.
July 5: New Moon in Cancer – This new Moon calls for deep shadow work embracing your vulnerabilities and learning from your deepest desires and wounds. Exact time: 6:59 p.m. EST
July 8: Celtic Tree Month of Holly begins
July 21: in Capricorn – Exact time: 6:19 a.m EST
July 21: Witch’s Day – a day to celebrate the craft in all its forms.
August 2024
August 1: – commemorating the year’s first harvest of grain.
August 4: New Moon in Leo – This new Moon presents an opportunity to build self-confidence and creativity. Do something you’ve always dreamed of that has scared you away. What’s keeping you from achieving your wildest dreams? Exact time: 7:14 a.m. EST
August 5: Celtic Tree Month of Hazel begins
August 19: in Aquarius – Exact time: 2:28 p.m. EST
August 21: Festival of – an invocation of the goddess Hecate to protect the harvest.
August 23: Vulcanalia – Roman Festival
September 2024
September 2: New Moon in Virgo – a time to invest in serious self-work, create routines, and lay the groundwork for lasting self-improvement. Perform shadow work to understand how to address the areas in which you are lacking. Exact time: 9:56 p.m. EST
September 2: Celtic Tree Month of Vine begins
September 13: Fire Lighting Ceremony – a candle-lit vigil honoring the .
September 17: in Pisces – Exact time: 10:36 p.m. EST
September 21-22: – another crucial harvest date, Mabon represents a time of balance and harmony, where day and night are both equal.
(Southern Hemisphere: Ostara – the Spring Equinox)
September 21: Feast of the Guardian Spirits – a celebration in honor of our many .
September 30: Celtic Tree Month of Ivy begins
October 2024
October 2: New Moon in Libra – for performing shadow work on your deepest relationships, examining your capacity for empathy, and learning how to be more graceful and harmonious when interacting with others – particularly those you love. Exact time: 2:50 p.m. EST
October 2: visible in South America.
October 3: Roman Festival of Bacchus – God of vegetation and wine
October 17: in Aries – Exact time: 7:27 a.m. EST
October 18: Great Horn Festival – invocation of the Horned God and Lady of the Wood.
October 28: Celtic Tree Month of Reed begins
October 31: – Sabbat of death and rebirth, occurs at a magical time when the veil between worlds is at its thinnest.
(Southern Hemisphere: Beltane – a feast of fire and fertility)
October 31: Winter Nights/Vetrablot – Norse celebration of the arrival of winter
November 2024
November 1: Cailleach’s Reign – Day of the Banshees
November 1: New Moon in Scorpio – delve deep into shadow work, examining negative, compulsive, or addictive behaviors and learning what lies at the root of destructive behaviors. Process emotions that you normally push aside because they make you feel uncomfortable. This is where the real work gets done. Exact time: 8:48 a.m. EST
November 15: in Taurus –Exact time: 4:29 p.m. EST
November 16: Night of Hecate
November 19: International Men’s Day
November 22: Night of Shiva
November 25: Celtic Tree Month of Elder begins
November 29: Feast of Hathor
December 2024
December 1: New Moon in Sagittarius – embrace the concepts of courage, understanding, and awareness. Spend time meditating in nature or exploring the world to see it from another’s point of view. Exact time: 1:22 a.m. EST
December 15: Full Cold Moon in Gemini – Exact time: 4:02 a.m. EST
December 21:Yule (Winter Solstice) – a Winter festival celebrating the return of light after a long period of darkness.
December 23: Celtic Tree Month of Birch begins
December 24: Holly Eve – the Holly King departs, leaving gifts for children
December 25: Oak Day – the birth of the Oak King
December 30: New Moon in Capricorn – Exact time: 5:27 p.m. EST
December 31: Hogmanay – New Year’s Eve; the Crone prepares to depart.