Contains 33 vivid full-color cards, each featuring an angel, deva, or nature spirit set against an intricate background based on the life work of Pablo Amaringo
Discusses the meanings of each card's angel, deva, or plant spirit
Includes card spreads based on traditional Amazonian shamanic practices as well as guided meditations for each card to help you further explore the card's message
Renowned shamanic artist Pablo Amaringo left behind countless unfinished drawings and paintings when he passed away in 2009--as well as hundreds of pages of writings on his knowledge of themundo amazonica, the spiritual world of the Amazon. Working with these unfinished materials, Howard Charing, longtime friend and student of Amaringo, has created an oracle deck and guidebook inspired by Pablo Amaringo's visionary art and spiritual wisdom.
The deck includes 33 vivid full-color cards, each featuring an angel, deva, or nature spirit set against an intricate backdrop of Amazonian jungle plants and animals, celestial bodies, ancient temples, spiritual symbols, and ayahuasca visions. Many of these angels and devas have appeared in Amaringo's paintings--part of the meaningful details that make his work unique and link it to the magic and mystery of the Amazon.
The accompanying guidebook discusses the meanings of each card's angel, deva, or plant spirit and provides card spreads based on traditional shamanic practices, such as the Mesa Norte±a of northern Peru. The book also includes thoughts for reflection for each card to help you connect with the shamanic spirits and angelic beings of the Amazon as well as the visionary art of Pablo Amaringo.