Today's Discount: 35% off using code 35off
Do you find yourself attracted to certain colors and turned off by others?
Do you want to learn how to work with color to bring abundance, clarity and healing?
JoinWalaa, creator of Color Ways, to discover your own color energy reading through her unique system that combines color therapy with numerology.
As you work through the book,Walaawill take you on a journey through the spectrum of colors, helping you to decode your color personality. She will teach you how to work with healing color energies to create the life you�ve always wanted.
As you learn to detach yourself from black-and-white thinking, you will work with color to ground yourself, find balance, raise your energy levels, quash your inner fears, and declutter toxic relationships so that you are refuelled, refreshed and glowing from within.
It's time to turn up the color!
Today's Discount: 35% off using code 35off